Feature - Where to Find 1st Edition AD&D Books
In our main feature for show number 2, we talked about where to find the books and other resources for 1st edition.
Of course, eBay and Craiglist were the first places we suggested, but there are plenty of resources for those of you who have lost some of the books of your youth.
Troll and Toad is a familiar face to anyone who's looked for old school game books on eBay, and they have, in fact, got a section of their site devoted to 1st edition AD&D.
Noble Knight is one of Vince's favorite retailers, and a resource for high-quality books.
Powell's Books in Portland competes with Strand Books in New York City for the title of greatest used bookstore in America, and here's their category for used role playing games.
Amazon, of course, has used books from all over the country, and searching for the book you want will typically bring up a lot of results from different local bookstores, all of which can be purchased through Amazon's checkout.
Another good source of rare and used books, in general, is Alibris.com.
The convention that Vince mentioned as a favorite is Mepecon.
Wizards of The Coast Released some nice Premium Edition 1E Books, you can find them here. (updated 03/2013)
And of course, if you want to try your karmic luck and see if you can find some books thrown out by a clueless spouse or relative, why not start out by taking a few tips from my own favorite book, the classic "The Art & Science of Dumpster Diving."