Volume 5 Issue 174 - Round Table Talk - Community Hot Topics!
Join Vince this week as he is joined by two special guests from the gaming community to chat about the various topics that are seen on Facebook and talked about in the gaming community.
Special Guests:
Timothy Brannan, writer and blogger of the Otherside blog
Erik Tenkar, Blogger of Tenkar's Tavern.
Topics: Dungeon Mastering? - Is charging for seats in a local game (none conventions) fair or just greedy? - charging to teach newbies how to play and be a DM?
Patreon/Kickstarters? - playing a simple AD during a podcast is enough, but asking and throwing in plugs more then once is that over doing it? - Are Kickstarters hurting the hobby or helping?
Buying Books? - Amazon vs Local Store
Forums vs Social media platforms? - Which is more helpful vs less informative - Which encourages more interaction and thoughtful comments?
Links on today's show: The Otherside Blog - http://theotherside.timsbrannan.com/ Tenkar's Tavern - http://Tenkarstavern.com James Spahn's White Star - http://www.rpgnow.com/product/148169/White-Star-White-Box-Science-Fiction-Roleplaying-Swords--Wizardry?src=hottest&affiliate_id=1446
Tim's new book:
Sisters of the Aquarian Order - Coming soon to RPGNOW.com
Please consider support our show on http://Patreon.com/WGP for as little as $1 a month! Email us at RFIStaff@gmail.com for questions or comments! Send us a voicemail, 570-865-4210, where we now have Goblins standing by!