Volume 3 Issue 149 - Whisper and Venom
Intro -0:00.000 Roll For Initiative Website www.rfipodcast.com Roll For Initiative Twitter www.twitter.com/rfipodcast Roll For Initiative Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/RFIpodcast OSR Gaming Forums www.osrgaming.org DM Vince's Blog http://www.theevilgm.com
Nexus Game Fair - http://www.nexusgamefair.com/ GameholeCon
Sage Advice - 21:37.191 Seeking Sage Advice? Contact RFI via our call in line 570-865-4210 or Via E-mail RFIStaff@gmail.com
Table Manners - Whisper & Venom Compendium - 44:36.747 Get 10% off Whisper & Venom by going to www.lessergnome.com and using the coupon code RFI10. Coupon code good through Friday July 11th, 2014
Creature Feature Theater - Monster's of Whisper & Venom - 1:38:58.305