Volume 2 Issue 77 - Greyhawk Revisited
Roll For Initiative Website www.rfipodcast.com Roll For Initiative Twitter www.twitter.com/rfipodcast Roll For Initiative Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/RFIpodcast OSR Gaming Forums www.osrgaming.org RFI Actual Play http://rfiactualplay.tk/ D20 Radio Forums http://www.d20radio.com/forums/ DM Vince's Blog http://www.theevilgm.com/ The Legend of Fin Fang Foom http://www.epicwords.com/fin
Miskatonic University Podcast http://www.mu-podcast.com/
Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture - http://www.hirstarts.com/
Sage Advice - 9:33.122 Seeking Sage Advice? Contact RFI via our call in line 570-865-4210 or Via E-mail RFIStaff@gmail.com
RFI talking Props in games - Issue 19 Swords and Stationary - http://rfipodcast.com/show/2010/06/10/issue-19-swords-and-stationery/ Table Manners - Preparing for a Greyhawk campaign - 46:19.482
http://www.canonfire.com/wiki/index.php?title=New_Empyrea http://rfipodcast.com/show/2009/12/09/greyhawk-history-lesson-101-mordenkainen/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_of_Eight Game Mechanics - The Gods of Greyhawk 1:18:56.067
Creature Feature - Wemic 1:36:17.976 Monster Manual 2 pg 136
The Dragon's Hoard - Designing Magical Weapons 1:43:01.783
Blades with Personality - Dragon Issue 109 pg 52 Mightier than the Pen - Dragon Issue 46 pg 12 Magic for Beginners - Dragon Issue 149 pg 14
Outro- 1:57:00.135