Volume 2 Issue 69 - Letters to the Editor
This week we have a special very special issue of letters edition of Roll For Initiative. We have an extended Sage Advice where we answer your all your e-mail and voice mail questions. Then in a listener suggested segment we discuss adding some variety to the run of the mill fighter. So sit back and enjoy this listener driven issue of Roll For Initiative.
Intro 00.00:000 Roll For Initiative Website www.rfipodcast.com Roll For Initiative Twitter www.twitter.com/rfipodcast Roll For Initiative Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/RFIpodcast OSR Gaming Forums www.osrgaming.org RFI Actual Play http://rfiactualplay.tk/ D20 Radio Forums http://www.d20radio.com/forums/ DM Vince's Blog http://www.theevilgm.com/
Sage Advice - 8:26.000 Seeking Sage Advice? Contact RFI via our call in line 570-865-4210 or Via E-mail RFIStaff@gmail.com
Table Manners - Adding Variety to Fighters 1:05.33.360
Outro 1:20:51.131