The Evil GM - Monster Mondays - Ice Goblins

Ice Goblins
Armor Class: 6 or 14 (depending on system)
Hit Dice: 3
No. Atks: 2
Damage: per weapon or d4 claw
Hide in plain sight (in icy/snow areas only)Â
If standing completely still an ice goblin can blend in with the surroundings and can only be spotted if being actively looked for. (Difficult check required)
Unrestricted vision in snow like conditions
Ice Goblins have no issues seeing through snow falling that would normally restrict vision.
Bonus to balance, walking, climbing and running on ice.
Ice Goblins have no issues standing on, moving or climbing ice, its treated as a normal flat surface for them.
Weakness: Heat/Fire - each attack does double the normal damage.
For all other purposes these goblins can be compared to the system of your choice for the basics, unless modified above.
If an Ice Goblin is taken from its cold environment, it will slowly die as they need the cold to survive.