The Evil GM - Horn of Spirit Summoning - Edition Neutral

The Horn of Spirit Summoning
by the Evil GM
Price:5,000 gp
Type: Horn
Weight 3 lbs
This horn appears as a blackened normal horn to the average character. Upon closer inspection the horn feels as if all eyes are upon you while you hold it. The air feels cold, and the little hairs on the holders neck stand up as if an eerie feeling is running up and down their spine.
When the holder blows the horn, all those around and that can hear the horn, feel the air get cold, the area become silent, as a slow wind picks up.
If there is a spirit with in 500 feet of this horn, it will instantly be drawn to the horn sound. The spirit will continue to follow the user of the horn, until its dispatched or at least one hour of game time has passed.