I was in high school when, I don't remember how, I stumbled into a role playing group after school hours. They were laughing, being rowdy, and it appeared that they were having a blast. I must have been caught staring for a second too long, because one of them looked over at me, and said, "You like Star Wars?".

I nodded, and he waved me over, said, "Take a seat, and then began explaining the character sheet and the essence of role playing. I rolled the dice, and used an NPC, and was hooked.

We met again in the Senior's cafeteria the next day, instead of playing, the entire group walked me through building my own character-- an X-Wing pilot with a inkling of Force power, but I was unaware of it as the character.

That game lasted for a couple more weeks before we moved onto another game, a high school simulation game, I wish I could remember the name of it, and I tried playing a female character, my first of many. I was addicted. Even though this other game was cut short because the school year ended, my love for role playing games was etched into stone.

Several years later, after I ended my service with the Air Force, I walked into a corner comic book shop, and found Role Master RMSS. I was now the proud owner of my very first role playing game, but had nobody to game with. Thank goddess for the RoleMaster List Serv! But that's another story for another time.

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Okay Star Wars as your first.. that’s awesome! Plus you grabbed RMSS, I love RM! That’s double awesome. Thank you for commenting.

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Got any insight for the HERO System? (That's my latest addition)

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While I’ve played a ton of games in my long time love for this hobby, HERO system is not one I’ve really gotten to play.

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I must have been in 6th or 7th grade when my older neighbor introduce me to TTRPGs, specifically Car Wars and then a few months later Rifts TMNT. I loved Car Wars and would spend hours building out cars and then maps of race tracks or city blocks and looking back it was any easy game to play solo. Growing up I was not exposed to much fantasy, we were a SciFi house that's what my dad had on the shelf and what he watched so when I was able to buy my own games I got into GURPS +Space, Mega Traveller, West End Star Wars. Eventually I got my first D&D game which was the Red Box set and even when I got AD&D books later, I would run those advance characters through that solo module in the red box. I picked up 2nd and third editions books but I can't recall ever playing them, then the cool game shop at the mall closed and I kind of fell out of the hobby. Then I came back shortly before 5e dropped, played it some with my kids an had fun but none of us loved it then I found G+ in it's dying days and the inde / OSR games community. These days I enjoy trying out solo games and solo tools for existing games and reading bout other people's game hacks.

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great story. I love solo games... lots of fun to see what happens with the random dice mechanics and seeing where the story leads you.

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I have loved games and fantasy since I was a kid. I knew about D&D but wasn’t allowed to play because Satanic Panic and all that. Life moved on, I grew up, got married, had kids, kids grew up…When I was about 55, my nephews were so immeshed with their phones and video games, that I wanted to design a mystery game for them to get them thinking, not just zoning out in front of a screen. I started looking at inspiration on the internet, and of course D&D 5th edition popped up. My thinking was, why reinvent the wheel? So I DM’d a Halloween one shot, my first time playing and my first time being a DM, and we all had a blast. I loved the prep and keeping the pacing going as well as teaching the kids how to play. We moved onto the DND Stranger Things, and have tried to hold a monthly family game ever since. I have since of course discovered other cool rpgs as well as solo play. I am an extremely creative person as well as a Leo, so having the spotlight as a DM is perfect for me! LOL

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Awesome! We Leos rule!!! 😊😊😊

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Ah that’s why we get along.. I am a Leo too ;)

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