Star Trek Reliant Episode 3 (video play!)
New video on the channel is our Star Trek Last Unicorn Games roleplaying game for We are playing in the Original Series Movie Era, about around the time of Wrath of Khan.
Two of our members were not able to use their camera, but the rest of us showed our faces and we had a good time. So far the reception has been great for the videos and people are enjoying the game and our characters.
Brief description of this episode:
"Continuing on from where we left off, Doc Johnson joins the crew and helps assist with the issue going on with this fungus problem. Where is coming from? Can they communicate with it? Can they solve the issue at hand? Will Humey break more things?"
If you'd just like the Audio Click here:
Going forward you will see more of this on my channel, feel free to check it out and look at the all gaming videos I've gone through talking about various games, like AD&D 1e, DC Heroes, Marvel Superheroes, Star Wars d6, Savage Worlds and more!
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