Volume 1 Issue 53 - More Rambo Than Legolas
RFI returns once again to give you your weekly fix of old school gaming goodness. This week, we talk about a class that is one part Legolas and one part Rambo, the Ranger. Our next segment involves segments as we break down the rules for actions in combat. The Pech appears in our Creature Feature Theater and we find a Braizer of Commanding Elementals in the Dragon's Hoard in this weeks issue of Roll for Initiative.
Intro - 0:00.000 Roll For Initiative Website www.rfipodcast.com Roll For Initiative Twitter www.twitter.com/rfipodcast Roll For Initiative Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/RFIpodcast OSR Gaming Forums www.osrgaming.org RFI Actual Play http://rfiactualplay.tk/ D20 Radio Forums http://www.d20radio.com/forums/ DM Vince's Blog http://www.theevilgm.com/
Table Manners - Playing Rangers - 10:52.689
Game Mechanics - Actions During Combat - 26:42.90 Dungeon Master's Guide pg 71
Creature Feature - The Pech - 42:18.361 Monster Manual 2 pg 99
Dragons Hoard - Brazier of Commanding Elementals - 54:58.862 Dungeon Master's Guide pg 140
The 10 Foot poll / Outro - 1:04:45.144