Volume 1 Issue 30 – Mad Dogs & Irishmen (Geek Out in the Midday Sun)
We welcome Patrick Murphy, AKA "The Mad Irishman" this week. Patrick is known throughout the gaming community for his old school (and new as well) character sheets for myriad systems, including 1E AD&D, of course.
Patrick comes on to talk with us about creating new supplements and materials for old school games, and we geek out about fonts a bit.
Intro 0:00:00 RFI Actual Play Feed http://feeds.feedburner.com/RFIActualPlay DM Vince's Skype Game http://bookofsorrows.tk/ Todd Hughes's More Human than Human http://rfipodcast.com/show/2010/09/10/more-human-than-human/ Todd Hughes's Monster Creating Contest http://rfipodcast.com/show/2010/08/31/a-book-by-its-cover/ RFI Forums http://rfipodcast.com/show/forum/
Sage Advice 16:36.297 Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks http://www.fightingfantasygamebooks.com/ Project Aon (Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Series) http://www.projectaon.org/en/Main/Home
Guest Spotlight 29:06.263 Mad Irishman Productions http://www.mad-irishman.net/
Table Manners 1:10:25.539 OpenRPG http://www.rpgobjects.com/index.php?c=orpg D20 Pro http://www.d20pro.com/ Gamer's Table http://www.gamers-table.com/ EpicTable http://www.epictable.com/ Fantasy Grounds 2 http://www.fantasygrounds.com/ Battlegrounds http://www.battlegroundsgames.com/ RPTools/Map Tools http://rptools.net/
Poll Of The Week 1:34:44.220 Low Tech Con http://lowtechcon.com/base/
Outro 1:39:0501.210