Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology (no, its not a new movie!)

When I was at North Texas RPG Con, I happened to see this brochure by the elevator. Normally I wouldn't give that area a second look, but the INDIANA JONES logo caught my eye.
Now I've never been to this exhibit, but it travels around the country for all to see.
How cool is this, not only is it an interactive museum tour, but they added the flavor of the Indiana Jones movies to it!
The web page is interactive and talks about the various ways they mixed the learning with the movie itself. This is a like a gold mine for Game Masters everywhere, go there, learn about something such as an ancient tomb or mummy. Read about its history, jot down ideas, tweak it for your campaign, boom instant plot device or storyline for your game.
Check them out! Maybe it will be near you soon?