Adding a little Sci-Fi into AD&D!
Well last night, I was sitting around, thinking of ways to
design a cool game for my group. A thought came across my mind, after running
my mini-adventure at gencon. A little bit of Sci-fi added to the game could be
awesome, as I made up an item on the fly
for the game to make it a bit more interesting.
It was called the "Power Gauntlet" and what it did
was shoot a "laser" streak that would randomly hit an enemy of the
wearer of the gauntlet.
The Gauntlet had 5 gem like stones on it, which would slowly
fade in color as the player used it. The player did not notice it really, nor
did I spend much time explaining it. He was happen with the fact it randomly
just destroyed the orcs.
Power Gauntlet
Alien Artifact
5 Gems Power (20 uses - Alien recharge only)
To Hit: Roll standard missile attack + 3
Damage: Varies
Special: See Description
Appears to be a large humanoid gauntlet with gems on it.
Once the user places it on, it can not be taken off until it runs out of
charges. Each Gem contains 4 charges (20 total), and the gems will fade in
color once the charges are used, to a dull grey. Upon a successful hit, the
player rolls a d6 and the DM compares on the chart.
1 - 1 enemy takes half damage
2 - 1 enemy takes full damage
3 - 2 enemies take half damage
4 - 2 enemies take full damage
5 - 3 enemies take full damage
6 - All enemies take half damage
Then the player rolls 2d6 for the damage of the
"laser" blast. The DM can describe the blast however they feel they need to. Have fun with it!